Thursday, June 28, 2007


We decided about 3 years ago that we would buy Playmobil toys for our children.  That can be a real investment, but with their imaginations, well, we decided that it was worthwhile.  I used to work in the specialty toy industry and knew that the Playmobil items were a quality toy.  3 years later, we know it a worthwhile investment.

The children set up things and can play for days on whatever scenario they have come up with.  It cracks me up to hear them explain the dialog to each other that they need to make things happen in their storyline.  I have to say that there are sometimes arguments that break out because one does not like what the other one wants their character to say.  That and the gajillion little pieces that come with it, well, it can be rather overwhelming at times – especially when I declare that it has been out long enough and it is time for a clean up.

However, there are good things to – I have heard our history stories being retold during this playtime.  The division between the royals and the peasants is well drawn (I am often asked which group would do which thing).  I know the history is well stuck in their heads when I hear them playing along those lines.  Although, I think for my own sanity’s sake, I need to buy another covered wagon (yes, I know people in the middle ages in Europe did not have covered wagons, but it is a coveted piece…..).  Just a few minutes ago, the “characters” broke into song – they were singing “If You are Happy and You Know It”.  Too funny.

We have not bought any of the big buildings (although, I know the kids would like us to), but we do own the horse ranch and a barn.  However, with their Daddy, they have built a castle out of various cardboard boxes, etc.  Normally, that is a hot commodity (along with the covered wagon), but this time, M has come up with her own house.  Mind you, they are still in the middle ages, but this “house” because it has 2 levels and is flat on the top, has been deemed a dugout – ala On the Banks of Plum Creek.  There is a request for the log cabin.  We shall see…  Just a couple of minutes ago, it apparently was training time at the old coral for the horses, LOL!

Something else that gets some very diverse play, play that I would have never expected is the pattern blocks and the counting bears.  Yes, I expected lots of play from the pattern blocks and they do get some traditional play.  However, they also apparently serve well in building furniture for the counting bears to live with.  I have learned to turn on a light when going to cover the children before I go to sleep.  Otherwise, I can easily end up howling in pain – rather like stepping on Lego’s that were hidden in the shag carpet way back in the 70’s & 80’s – Ouch!!

Soon we are off to the park to play with some other homeschoolers.  I love it when we can do that.  The kids are so imaginative there even.  We go to one specific park, all the older children are found in the pine trees…literally.  Is there a way to harvest and use pine sap??  Because it certainly does stain and stick to ones skin quite nicely, LOL!

Independence Day - We remember!

Have you been helping your children get ready to celebrate Independence Day?  Are you celebrating Summer?  July 4th?

In our house, we remember exactly why we celebrate Independence Day.  In our house, we remember those who have fought the battles to give us the freedoms that we have had and that are now being systematically taken away from us.  We remember those who have died in those battles.  Maybe you do not know anyone personally who has died.  I know my brother lost a good friend during Desert Storm – well technically not Desert Storm at that point, it was Operation Provide Comfort - he watched him die.  Although I only knew him from chatting with him on the phone, half a world away in Italy, he was my brother’s friend – somebody’s son, brother, grandson, nephew……  My husband served his country during that time period as well.  I know in other entries, I have listed numerous family members who have served our country at various points in history.

This Independence Day, celebrate our country’s freedom.  Go to a parade, sing our National Anthem. (You do know the words don’t you??  Have a good look at the 4th stanza – you might be surprised at the words there – funny how we do not sing anything but the 1st stanza these days - only the 1st is listed at the White House's site), wave the flag and remember those that are serving our country.  You may not like why they are there, you may think we should not be there, but those soldiers are there and we need to remember and take care of them.  Greet them with a smile and maybe a hug.  A huge Thank-you would not hurt either.

Need a jumping off point to get started teaching the kids?  Go here and get the Amanda Bennett Unit Study for it - I have used it the last couple of years and G love the books and M loves all of the Lower Level Activities.  I suggest, at this late a date, you kind of pick and choose what to do out of it.  I actually love the whole Patriotic Unit Study that she does - it includes the Independence Day unit as well.  Annie's Page is a good place for information as well.  I sort of pick & choose things out of it since it is not CM style, but important events like this lend themselves well to a small unit study that includes some fabulous living books.

 Oh, and in case you forgot what those nameless, faceless soldiers look like – go watch this - and have a box of tissues handy:

Everybody in the U.S. should see this. Please watch it.

The following is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today.
Lizzie Palmer who put this YouTube program together is 15 years old.  There have
been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning.  In case you missed it, here it is.

Has some music....turn on sound.