I put out the big flag and the children set out all the little ones along the sidewalk. We are very patriotic here. In another post, I will share a list of some of the books we read! They were great - then it was backed up with a couple of Liberty's Kids shows. The children got a kick out of that.
Anyway, after we had our time, we cleaned up the kitchen (so we could mess it up again, LOL!). M had a fun little recipe that she wanted to make. She did most of it herself (with a wee bit of cooking guidance from Mom). For those who would like to try it they are called Mini-cinnibites. Very tasty! We took some to our upstairs neighbors (2 single men - Uncle & Nephew - we know the family). They loved them. In fact, I am not certain that C. breathed in between bites, LOL!
We were invited for dinner to a very good friends house. They are like family to me. I love them dearly. They have been there for us in times of trouble. We celebrate holidays with them often. We love having them over - they are so laid back and love our children. The children refer to them as Aunt C. and Uncle D (they are often more like grandparents than Aunt & Uncle - they love to spoil the children and spend lots of time with them). They have 2 grown children who have been very involved in our lives over the last decade as well. They, like myself, do not have any family locally and we have "adopted" each other. Their kids, during the time period when their parents both had cancer, told their parents they would rather live with us than go to relatives that they only barely know. They had also invited over several families that we used to go to church with, so we had a wonderful time fellowshipping with them. We enjoy spending time with other members of the "Family of God".
friends son (in college now - he'll be a Jr. in the Fall!! And he
passed his LSAT with flying colors - but I diverge from the topic), B we
will call him, he has a favorite food that I make every so often. And
since he goes back to school in a few weeks and I did not make it for
him over the Holidays, well, I knew it would make him happy to have this
special treat. I make a mean German Chocolate Cake (from scratch,
thank you very much) with a fabulous cooked topping that has coconut and
pecans in it. Yummmm! It takes a lot of time (in comparison to just
dumping a mix for that flavor of cake into a bowl), but it is so worth
it. Makes mixes taste horrid! So, I got to work. (I have received
many, many compliments on this cake, so I know it is as good as it
tastes to me. It is one of my father's favorites as well).
While I was working on that M wanted to make the cheap cake mix that I had bought for them. You know, the one with the red and blue speckles in it for Independence Day and has matching frosting... Anyway, she did that one with a little guidance from Dad (mom was very involved with her cake). Then after it cooled M & G each frosted half and put the little sprinkles on the top. However, while it was baking, they were busy cutting out some flags and attaching them to straws - they had plans of their own to stick them in the cake. I told them they had to wait until we get to Aunt C.'s to do that since I had to put foil on top for transportation.
Eventually, we got out of the house and were on our way. We got there, only to find out that B (the young man I made the cake for) had left earlier than expected to drive down to see his girlfriend and watch the fireworks with her and her family. He is sooo grounded, LOL! Naw - I understand and left him 2 big pieces of cake.
The children got to play in the sprinkler for a while and then they went out back to play in the yard, climb trees and swing (on the swingset - not the trees,

One of the other families there, their daughter (now college age – I sooo cannot believe she is 18!!) went out back and played with M & G for a while. She was so good with the kids. She is an only child (not by her parents choice – similar situation as ours), but you would not know it. Her parents say she just loves children. I hope God blesses her with a Godly husband and a full quiver of children – if for no other reason than for her parents to enjoy!
Anyway, I digress. After dinner and more conversation, we finally had to gather things up so we could make it to the fireworks. We missed the parade that we wanted to go to, but we were not missing fireworks – the rain had held off all day and evening for us! We had a wonderful spot to watch the fireworks and the children (along with us) totally enjoyed them. G did not even cover his ears – he was very pleased with himself. I should probably check his ears for wax, LOL! M, well, she covered her ears, but she still watched. They had a really neat kind this year. Sort of like a giant weeping willow in the sky – best way I can explain it.
Anyway, because of our choice of viewing spot and parking accommodations, we were home within 30 min. Not bad, considering we were only about 8-10 min. from home. Well, I had best wrap this up – it has gotten really long!
I hope your celebration of Independence Day was as nice as ours!