We are very blessed here in Milwaukee to have a great Symphony Orchestra. Even moreso, they offer live performances/classes for school children (including homeschoolers). And they are at a price that I can afford! I am able to take the children to a 45 min performance 3 times a year. The conductor has a great time telling the children about each movement of a particular work(s) and sometimes has the children do something to participate. All this for a whole $5.40 a ticket. I cannot beat it!
Baby G, technically, had his first performance the day before he was born (right T!?! You were there - you and your car that you so bravely took us in, lol!). I know he jumped a few times during that performance. Today, he had his first one out. I know the ushers were not sure about us, but I promised that at the slightest peep, we were out of there. Given that we have box seats, this is an easy exit. But, I will say, there is not much he could do, short of crying/screaming, that would be louder than the group of children down on the main floor (those of you who have been know what I am talking about!).
The orchestra started playing and Baby G became a bit figity (volume??). So, just to be safe, he and I went up and stood behind the box seats in case I needed to exit while M & G sat with Daddy. There was no need to worry, lol! He went to sleep. I did not think about this until after he was asleep, but during the day, when he takes a nap, I will take him up to our room to lay him down. Mind you, Milwaukee lost their classical radio station about 18 mos ago (silly people - now I have to stream online to the radio station from my home town in OK, lol!). Anyway, we have on our digital stations (with the converter box) from PBS a station that plays classical music 24/7. I turn on that channel so as to have some buffer noise. Not loudly - just above a whisper. But apparently, it is enough.
Today's performance was a bit from Night on Bald Mountain (Mussorgsky) and then Pictures in an Exhibition (Mussorgsky). This is music he certainly heard in utero...we studied this composer Fall 2007 and we have listened to it several times since then.
So, Baby G napped through most of his first performance (impressive - some of the music can be loud - but I did cover his little ears, worried momma that I am sometimes).